Unprovided with original learning, unformed in the habits of thinking, unskilled in the arts of composition, I resolved to write a book. - Edward Gibbon
Books are those faithful mirrors that reflect to our mind the minds of sages and heroes. - Edward Gibbon
We improve ourselves by victories over ourself. There must be contests, and you must win. - Edward Gibbon
History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind. - Edward Gibbon
History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies, and misfortunes of mankind. - Edward Gibbon
Fear has been the original parent of superstition, every new calamity urges trembling mortals to deprecate the wrath of invisible enemies - Edward Gibbon
All that is human must retrograde if it does not advance. - Edward Gibbon
Our work is the presentation of our capabilities. - Edward Gibbon
My early and invincible love of reading--I would not exchange for the treasures of India. - Edward Gibbon
Where error is irreparable, repentance is useless. - Edward Gibbon